Thursday, May 7, 2009

PAPPU DOESnt Vote but BlOGs sAala...

today is da D-day for indian politics as voting is taking place in many imprtnt places in da country,a lot of ma friends,relatives have votd,and feel gr8 abt it, and m being treated like an untouchable for not"excercising"my right.ppl find it hard 2 swallow wen i say dat i dont like 2 vote,i just dnt blve in da system,i mean m nt anti-democracy or smthng,but m jus anti-votng.
statistically speakng 60-70% of educated indians dont vote,da majority of voters are from the lower incme group,rural ppl,or the upper class.ppl are bought in rural places,loaded in2 trucks and brought 2 votng booths fr a packet of biryani and liquor,dis is a big slap on the indian political system, the upper class votes becz dey pretend to be patriotic,seeing the amount of tax evasion dese rich ppl do,i know how patriotic dese guyz are
now letz talk abt da sufrng clas-da middle clas,it isnt suprising dat dey dnt vote coz dey are not at al botherd,whovr cms in power wil ultimatly screw da midle clas.
i sympathise wid da midle clas and partly agree wid dem,being a young midle clas indian myslf,i noe hw mch da inflation and tax policies i urge 2dayz youth to be proactive,vote if you like,but dnt mke patriotism a once in 5yr event,do smthng directly fr ur country,join an ngo,help poor children,spnd sum tme in old age homes
vote for youngsters in politics,nt da ones with a family background in politics :-p,cooperate wid young ias and ips,dont vote jus becoz ul get a discount at a particular garment shop,vote if u want 2,but dont waste time putng your hopes on sum 60+oldie.

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