Tuesday, March 3, 2009


As i sip my cup of coffee and ponder over all dose stupid questions that come around in my mind,deres a sadabahar one,what is destiny???is it true???can lines on our hands really determine our lives??
we all know paul cohelo s alchemist and "the universe conspires for it" theory, if it was so den y y were not the thousand of jews saved in concentration camps,when they prayed to god to get saved????,y didnt the universe"conspire"anythng??? bullshit....m rly amazed y ppl find alchemist so inspiring,i mean, heres a book which tells da guy to follow some stupid star and prophecies to achieve your destiny... if there is something called destiny,n we r supposed to get watevr is pre -decided for us,den y take da pain of following the "hints",reading the YOUR FATE TODAY columns in newspapers,and listening to Bejan daruwallas,nd battliwalas and chaddiwallas...it wont mke any difference

i jus believe in myself, my abilities to succeed in life,u make ur own destiny,u can achieve nythng u want,provided u work in a smart way,if u blame ur failures in life on destiny,u wont learn a thing abt ur weaknesses and you cant strike back.destiny demotivates you than inspiring to achieve in live

i guess wen m 85 yr old man,rotting away sumwre in a cornr alotted by the losers i spawned,sitting on a wheelchair,pissing in ma pants,thinking how screwed up ma life is,n lukng bck,mayb den i l tke a stand on destiny,whether i shud believe it or not...bt as of nw i trust michelle jean nidtech bhai- '
"it's choice--not chance--that determines your destiny"

adios amigos!!!

1 comment:

  1. nice independent outlook! To me, humans do not have free will...they just don't! It sounds inane but thatz the way it is...whatever v do, v r always governed by the laws of nature...v r indisposed to think beyond conventions, v r programmed to think within preset norms! v know of only two things, success and failure! the work is there, but is largely sublimated to realise only what we need/desire rather than to embark upon something out-of-box! v never knew and never wanted to know what lies beyond this wilderness of the mind because v never bothered to do it! v have ingrained the indisposition to succumb to our senses since ages! v need to soar beyond our mundane perceptions and believe that v r only the conduit for the universal life energy, that energy per se is what sustains the cosmos...!
    for a more comprehensive understanding, i suggest u read two books of opposite polarities:
    (1) Ashvin Desai's 'Between Eternities"
    (2) Edward De Bono's "Six thinking caps"...
    P.S.: Edward Bono is regarded as the father of the theory of lateral thinking.
    Prof. UmaSankar
