Thursday, March 12, 2009


We live by it,we swear by it,Our generation hs seen mobiles,pcs,internet,lcd’s blah blah blah, but only 5 lettrs define our generation O R K U T,the opium of our generation, the concept dat tuk da wrld by storm-social netwrkng n da pioneer among dem was our pyara lil chirkut….
Orkut has bcme an integral prt of our lives,I mean I m addictd to orkut,nd millions of young Indians like me are….nd itz a gr8 way to meet n interact wid new n intrestng ppl.dese days guyz ask how to add ech odr on orkt bfre evn xchngng his,helozzz,wats ur name n khana khake jaanassss.
Da fny thng is a lot f my friends chk a girl is single or committed , n den add her,dude agar who 4 bachho ki maa bi ho toh kya farak pdta hain..she isn’t gonna cme out n kiss u.
i wont discuss the downside of orkuttin I mean da fake profiles,hacking nd stuff,jus a piece f advice kep changing ur paswrdz and nevr trust ppl on orkt.n nevr let it take ovr ur life,dnt spnd countless hourz on it, wel I spend ma countlz hrs on it :-P